Robusta Clean Top Class Coffee – Exclusive at VCU

Robusta Clean Top Class Coffee – Exclusive at VCU

The Birth of Robusta Clean Top Class Coffee

The third wave of coffee has created a new trend in coffee consumption, emphasizing traceability and the preference for high-quality products to enhance the consumer experience. Since entering the coffee production race, VCU has made continuous efforts to produce top-quality products, increasing the value of every coffee bean.

Recognizing the variety of coffee types in the market, such as Clean, G1, G2, G3, VCU has always focused on quality since its founding. This commitment led to the creation of the Robusta Clean top class coffee product line to meet the demands of roasters, coffee chains, and brands. With this product, VCU ensures that impurity, defect, and moisture levels are superior to the Clean grade, setting it apart in the Robusta coffee market.

Robusta Clean top class coffee green beans
Robusta Clean top class coffee green beans

The Process of Creating High-Quality Green Coffee Beans

To produce a delicious, rich cup of coffee, people often focus solely on roasting methods or roasting levels, neglecting the green coffee processing stage. This step is crucial for the success of the roasting process.

Green coffee beans are harvested and processed from fully ripe red cherries. The beans have a natural light green color and moisture content between 12% and 13%. The processing of high-quality green beans requires meticulous attention, knowledge, and several stages:

  • Harvesting: The higher the ratio of fully ripe red cherries, the better the quality of the finished coffee, resulting in a higher price.
  • Processing: Depending on the method, such as dry, full-wash, or honey processing, the coffee beans will vary. This stage produces raw coffee beans.
  • Sorting by weight: At this stage, coffee beans are sorted by density to separate full-bodied beans from broken, damaged, hollow, or lightweight beans.
  • Sieving: Coffee is sorted into sizes such as S13, S16, and S18.
  • Color sorting and stone removal: Many factories skip this step, leading to stones and foreign objects damaging roasting machines and affecting coffee quality. At VCU, 100% of green beans are color-sorted and stone-free before leaving the factory.

Thanks to a deep understanding, precision, and discipline, VCU consistently produces high-quality, export-standard coffee.

Robusta Clean top class and Robusta Clean
Robusta Clean top class and Robusta Clean

Product Information

  • Classification: Commercial
  • Density: 710 – 725
  • Defects (Black – Broken – Impurities): 0.1% – 0.5% – 0.1%
  • Sun-dried, excellent aroma
  • Processing Method: Dry/Natural/Unwashed
  • Size: S13/S16/S18
  • Weight: 30kg and 60kg
  • Packaging: Burlap bags

Read more: Robusta Clean Top Class

Quality That Sets Us Apart

VCU is the first company to produce Robusta Clean top class coffee, and we have invested heavily in improving its quality. This product line exceeds Robusta Clean in terms of body, black bean ratio, impurities, defects, and density. Due to these outstanding advantages, the price of Robusta Clean top class coffee is slightly higher than that of Robusta Clean.

Many other companies have entered the race to produce this product line, but VCU remains confident in the quality we bring to the market. The value you receive from this product will certainly outweigh the cost.

Quality is always the key to success. Our innovations, from the product name to the upgraded quality, demonstrate VCU’s readiness to elevate its position in the domestic market and accelerate its export growth.

VCU – A Trusted Supplier of Raw Materials for Domestic and Export Markets

Over 50% of VCU’s customers are coffee chains and brands. They choose VCU for five reasons:

  • VCU ensures a stable and high-quality supply. Stability in both the quantity needed each month and the quality of roasted beans in each delivery.
  • A high ratio of ripe coffee cherries produces rich, flavorful coffee with thick, creamy crema.
  • Fast service, saving customers time and effort. We store roast profiles, ensuring consistency in every roast, and immediately ship fresh orders, allowing customers to focus on sales and marketing.
  • We only roast coffee to order, never delivering old stock.
  • Competitive pricing helps customers optimize profits.

VCU is establishing itself as a trusted supplier of high-quality green coffee beans and roasted coffee in the current market. Coffee is processed directly from our green coffee factory and roasted on-site at VCU’s facilities, ensuring the best prices and quality control with no middlemen.

Roasted Robusta Clean top class
Roasted Robusta Clean top class

Furthermore, Robusta Clean top class coffee and other product lines like Clean, Honey, and full-wash are carefully sorted by weight, beautifully color-sorted, and stone-free, helping coffee chains improve the quality of their coffee and retain customers.

If your business is looking for a reliable and high-quality coffee supplier located in a coffee-growing region, contact VCU for consultation and pricing!

Contact Information

VCU Joint Stock Company (VCU JSC)
– Roasting Facility: Group 6, Chu Prong Town, Chu Prong District, Gia Lai Province
– Green Bean Facility: Iave Commune, Chu Prong District, Gia Lai Province

– Hotline: +84 866 895 379

– Fanpage: VCU – Vietnam Coffee United

– Email:

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