Spray Instant Coffee

Reviews 0
  • Spray Instant Robusta and Spray Instant Arabica
  • Packaging: 25kg/carton, stick, Jar,…
  • Origin: Vietnam

Product Information

Spray Instant Coffee

About Spray Instant Coffee

After the coffee is roasted, brewed, and processed to remove water and other components, instant coffee is formed. Depending on the needs and preferences, instant coffee offers convenience, ease of use, and affordability, making it increasingly popular.

Currently, there are two main methods to produce instant coffee on the market: spray instant coffee and freeze-dried instant coffee. In this article, we will discuss spray-dried coffee.

Read more: Freeze Instant Coffee

Spray Instant Coffee
Spray Instant Coffee

Spray-Dried Instant Coffee

With the development of technology and the diversification of market demands, spray instant coffee has become the top choice for many people. Through professional processing and production, spray-dried instant coffee provides many people with new, exciting experiences and meets their desire for a cup of coffee.

Currently, there are various instant coffee products on the market, such as 3in1, 2in1, etc.

To ensure the quality of the final product and maintain the coffee flavor, the production process needs to be meticulous and strict:

Step 1: Selection and Roasting of Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are carefully selected from Robusta, Arabica, or Culi Robusta/ Arabica beans, pre-processed, and roasted at the appropriate level to develop the desired flavor.

Step 2: Coarse Grinding

After roasting, the coffee is coarsely ground to prepare for the extraction process.

Step 3: Extraction

The extraction process is carried out with hot water (this is the main difference from the freeze-drying method) to separate the soluble substances and active ingredients from the coffee. This process is conducted in a vacuum extraction machine to maintain the boiling temperature below 100 degrees Celsius, preserving the quality of the coffee.

Step 4: Concentration

The extract is then concentrated to a density of 30-40% in a vacuum concentrator. This process saves energy and time while retaining the original coffee flavor.

Step 5: Spray Drying

The concentrated coffee extract is pumped into the top of a cyclone and sprayed into a fine mist in the drying tower. The hot air in the tower dries the mist and transforms it into instant coffee. The final product has a very low moisture content, only 1-2%, and retains the characteristic brown color.

Characteristics of Spray-Dried Coffee

Spray instant coffee retains the rich, delicious flavor of pure coffee. It dissolves perfectly in water and is used in various coffee beverages. This product does not require special storage, making it a convenient and cost-effective choice.

spray-dried instant coffee
spray-dried instant coffee


  • Preserves the flavor and aroma of coffee due to being dried at low temperatures and high pressure.
  • Saves time and cost.
  • Ensures consistency in quality, flavor, and aroma throughout the production process.


  • The production equipment is quite expensive, requiring a large initial investment from the manufacturer.
  • High production technology is required; experience and production capacity are needed to ensure quality products.
  • Consumes more energy compared to other methods.

Why Choose VCU JSC to Provide Spray Instant Coffee?

  • Self-production of green beans: Tight control over input quality, with all beans being de-stoned and color-sorted for cleanliness.
  • 100% pure roasted coffee: With two industrial roasting machines capable of producing 70 – 80 tons per month, using an automatic profile logging system to ensure consistent roasts.
  • Certified facilities: Meeting ISO and FDA standards (for exports to the USA), with a fully enclosed storage system, ensuring the quality of the coffee.
  • Diverse product offerings: Providing a variety of Robusta, Arabica, and Excelsa beans.
  • Exporting coffee officially to 13 countries: Including the USA, Singapore, Japan, Australia, Bangladesh, Philippines…

For those who love coffee but prefer convenience and savings, instant coffee in general and spray instant coffee, in particular, are great choices. This product line retains the characteristic flavor of pure coffee.

VCU coffee factory
VCU coffee factory

If you need instant coffee, contact VCU today!

Contact Information

VCU Joint Stock Company (VCU JSC)
– Roasting Facility: Group 6, Chu Prong Town, Chu Prong District, Gia Lai Province
– Green Bean Facility: Iave Commune, Chu Prong District, Gia Lai Province

– Hotline: +84 866 895 379

– FanpageVCU – Vietnam Coffee United

– Email: info@vietnamcoffeeunited.com

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