Roasted Excelsa coffee, known in Vietnam as Jackfruit Coffee, is named for its distinctive aroma of ripe jackfruit. This coffee is commonly grown in dry, windy, and sunny regions, as it can withstand harsh climates and is resistant to pests and diseases. It stands out with its unique flavor, producing a subtle fragrance when brewed, with a notably refreshing acidity and a lingering aftertaste.
Read more: Excelsa Clean
Excelsa coffee flowers later than other types of coffee, so the harvest season typically occurs in December, giving it a unique flavor.
In Vietnam, the production of Jackfruit Coffee is quite limited, sometimes insufficient to meet demand. Previously, coffee enthusiasts often focused on Robusta or Arabica, but in the past two years, the trend of using Roasted Excelsa Coffee has been increasing due to the rich and unique flavor it offers.
Roasted Excelsa Clean Coffee is made from high-quality green coffee beans that have been carefully processed. Each coffee bean is cleaned and sorted according to strict quality standards to ensure minimal black beans and impurities. This ensures that after roasting, the coffee has a consistent flavor and color.
Located in Gia Lai province, one of the largest coffee-growing regions in Vietnam, VCU is committed to providing customers with high-quality and stable coffee. Each coffee bean is meticulously selected and processed using modern methods to preserve its natural flavor.
By producing green coffee beans directly without intermediaries, VCU can optimize costs, allowing partners to purchase at competitive prices. This helps roasters and coffee chains save costs and increase profits.
We support optimizing the coffee roasting process. Each Excelsa Clean coffee bean has stable moisture content, with extremely low rates of black, broken, and impurities. Our batches are color-sorted and stone-free, ensuring an optimal roasting process without risking damage to your roasting and grinding equipment.
Roasted Excelsa Coffee is a perfect choice for coffee shops and brands looking to offer a unique and high-quality coffee experience to their customers. You can blend Excelsa coffee with other coffee products to create distinctive flavors.
VCU has a roasting facility that meets ISO 22000:2018 and FDA (for U.S. export) standards, ensuring high-quality roasted coffee and proper storage processes. Additionally, with two industrial roasters with a capacity of 60 kg per batch, we can provide a stable supply of up to 80 tons per month.
VCU is confident in being a reliable partner for customers. Contact us for detailed consultation and pricing on Roasted Excelsa Clean Coffee!
VCU Joint Stock Company (VCU JSC)
– Roasting Facility: Residential Group 6, Chu Prong Town, Chu Prong District, Gia Lai Province
– Green Bean Facility: Ia Der Commune, Ia Grai District, Gia Lai Province
– Hotline: +84 941 203 879
– Fanpage: VCU – Vietnam Coffee United
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