Arabica Specialty Coffee Vietnam

Reviews 0
  • Category: Specialty Coffee
  • CQI/SCA Score: 80 points or higher
  • Ripeness Rate: 99%
  • Processing Methods: Honey, Full Washed, Natural, Fermented Natural
  • Origin: Vietnam
  • Moisture Content: 12.5% max
  • Size: S14/S16/S18

Product Information

Arabica Specialty Coffee Vietnam

About Arabica Specialty Coffee

Specialty coffee is a premium category of coffee, a quality standard applied to Arabica coffee. Simply put, it is a high-quality, premium Arabica coffee. It is similar to the Fine Robusta coffee category.

There are many definitions of Arabica Specialty Coffee, but the most reliable is the definition from the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). According to the SCA, Specialty coffee must be Arabica and score between 80 – 100 on the SCA’s scoring scale. If it scores below 80, it is considered commercial coffee.

Coffee Arabica Specialty
Coffee Arabica Specialty

Product Information

  • Category: Specialty Coffee
  • CQI/SCA Score: 80 points or higher
  • Ripeness Rate: 99%
  • Processing Methods: Honey, Full Washed, Natural, Fermented Natural
  • Origin: Vietnam
  • Moisture Content: 12.5% max
  • Defects (Black, Impurities, Broken Beans): 0.5%
  • Size: S14/S16/S18
  • Price: Varies according to the market; please contact us for a current quote.

Arabica Specialty Coffee According to SCA

To score the coffee, it undergoes a cupping process by certified cupping masters. These masters have passed rigorous exams to earn the Q Arabica Grader certificate from the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI). To ensure fairness and avoid bias, the judging panel conducts blind tastings of the coffees without knowing their origin. They score based solely on the SCA’s standardized criteria.

As a result, any coffee that achieves a Specialty level score is of truly high quality and has exceptional flavor.

The flavor profile of Arabica Specialty Coffee is very diverse; you can experience a wide range of different fruit and floral notes. The bitterness is particularly low.

Arabica Specialty Vietnam Coffee
Arabica Specialty Vietnam Coffee

According to the SCA, coffee has up to 800 different flavor groups, and the flavor of Arabica Specialty comes from:

  • The region where the coffee is grown, the soil, and the climate.
  • The dedication and care of the farmers during cultivation and harvest.
  • The meticulous coffee processing methods.
  • The roasting process, including the roaster’s technique and experience, which maximizes the coffee’s distinctive flavors.

Read more: Arabica Full Washed Cau Dat

Buying Arabica Specialty Coffee from VCU JSC

Located in Gia Lai, one of the largest coffee-growing regions in Vietnam, VCU JSC is driven by a passion and desire to bring Vietnamese coffee to the world. We always build our production and supply process to ensure:

  • Proper procedures from cultivation to harvest and processing.
  • Accurate roasting techniques.
  • Strong connections with farmers, ensuring their hard work, sweat, and efforts are rewarded.
  • Fair transactions with customers, ensuring the money they spend on coffee is well worth it.

We not only produce green coffee beans for the domestic market but also export to countries and territories such as the USA, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, Singapore, and more.

Contact us today for consultation and pricing if you are interested in purchasing Arabica Specialty Coffee!

Contact Information

VCU Joint Stock Company (VCU JSC)
– Roasting Facility: Group 6, Chu Prong Town, Chu Prong District, Gia Lai Province
– Green Bean Facility: Iave Commune, Chu Prong District, Gia Lai Province

– Hotline:+84 866 895 379

– FanpageVCU – Vietnam Coffee United

– Email:

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