Arabica Full Washed Son La

Reviews 0

Processing method: Full Washed

Classification: Commercial

Size: S14/S16/S18

Weight: 30 kg/bag or 60 kg/bag

Product Information

Arabica Full Washed Son La

About Son La Arabica Coffee (Vietnam)

Sơn La Province is famous for its majestic mountain ranges, surrounded by basins and high plateaus, making it an ideal terrain for the cultivation of Arabica plants. Influenced by harsh climate conditions, with heavy rainfall in the summer and cold weather in the winter, Arabica thrives and produces high-quality beans. The flavor of Arabica grown in this region carries a uniquely indescribable aroma.

Arabica Full Washed Son La S18
Arabica Full Washed Son La S18

What is the full washed processing method?

Wet processing, also known as full washed or wet fermentation, is a post-harvest coffee processing method that completely removes the fruit pulp before drying the beans. This process involves several steps: picking, sorting, pulping, fermenting, washing, and finally drying the beans to a moisture content of about 10-12%.

Compared to dry processing, wet processing is more complex and costly in terms of time, water, and machinery. However, when done correctly, it offers superior quality coffee.

The Full Washed processing includes four main steps:

Step 1: Sorting coffee cherries

Step 2: Pulping

Step 3: Fermenting to remove mucilage

Step 4: Drying the beans

At VCU, Arabica Full Washed Son La coffee is 100% sun-dried.

When processed using the Full Washed method, Arabica Son La coffee has a diverse natural flavor, a delicate acidity, and a light sweet aftertaste.

Product Information

  • Moisture: 12.5%
  • Black beans: 0.1%
  • Broken beans: 1%
  • Foreign matter: 0.1%
  • Growing region: Son La Province
Arabica Son La Full Washed
Arabica Son La Full Washed

Contact us immediately if you are interested in Arabica Full Washed Son La coffee. VCU offers sizes S14, S16, and S18. Each coffee bean is carefully harvested and meticulously sorted to bring you the best quality product.

Why Choose Arabica Full Washed Son La from VCU JSC?

VCU JSC is a specialized unit in the processing and production of green coffee beans and roasted coffee. We have a network of partnerships with major farms and local farmers, ensuring a stable supply throughout the year, including Son La Arabica (Vietnam). Additionally, you can choose from a variety of green coffee beans and roasted coffee, such as Robusta Clean, Fine Robusta, and Arabica Cau Dat, all offered at competitive prices with top-notch quality.

With years of experience in building and developing brands, VCU is confident in being a reliable, transparent, and trustworthy coffee supplier for our customers.

Contact Information

VCU Joint Stock Company (VCU JSC)
– Roasting Facility: Group 6, Chu Prong Town, Chu Prong District, Gia Lai Province
– Green Bean Facility: Iave Commune, Chu Prong District, Gia Lai Province

– Hotline: +84 866 895 379

Fanpage: Vietnam Coffee United

– Email:

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